Sunday, February 5, 2012

Lessons Learned in 2012…January Edition

Evening Ladies and Gents! I hope all is well and that 2012 has been eventful thus far. As for me, this year started off with a whirlwind of new experiences – both good and bad. I’ve met some interesting people, am finally settling in to my new role at work, and have become a baking machine. I’ve had a few challenges along the way but I’m happy to say I’m still on track to becoming a better me, which continues to be the goal. That being said, I wanted to share with you a few lessons I’ve learned so far…some new and some confirmed from previous experiences.

1. Perception is not always reality – there’s always more than meets the eye. You have to give yourself and others a chance to see what lies beneath.

We sell ourselves short, myself included, when we stop at the surface level when getting to know new people. I’ve been guilty of judging books by their covers, and have probably missed out on some really good reads over the years due to my doing so. It took someone misjudging me, and ultimately mistreating me to realize just how hurtful this can be.

2. There’s nothing wrong with being open and honest with your thoughts and opinions. However, when show no regard for a person’s feelings you’re just being an ass.

This coming from me may seem surprising to a few of you. I’ve never been known to bite my tongue when giving my opinion on anything. However, I’ve never been one to say or do things intentionally to hurt anyone. That’s not my style and never will be. If I’m honest with myself, I’ve met people like this before. But I’ve never liked them, nor did I invite them into my personal life so the long-term effects of their poison never had an impact. This year was a little different…the poison got in and lingered for a while.

After a few pep talks I bounced back from the situation above. Although I stuck around longer than I probably should have, it was clear that there was nothing good that could come from the situation…at least for me. The experience confirmed at least one thing I already knew... I don’t appreciate, and cannot tolerate, people that say and do hurtful things…repeatedly and intentionally. Removing myself from the situation may not have changed this person’s behavior, but it sent the message that there’s at least one person that won’t accept it. ME!

3. Colorism in the Black Community is sickening. We really need to do better. Regardless of how deeply rooted the issues are, we don’t have to accept them just because they are.

I’m not going to go into detail on this, as it should be self-explanatory. But I am going on record as saying that any man that says, “I didn’t make the rules, they’re just the rules. Pretty brown-skinned you might be, but you’ll always come in second to a light-skinned woman…cute or not” is a fool. Period.

4. Me + Cake Mix = Good times!

I’ve been baking up a storm so far this year. Remixing packaged cake mixes and trolling the net for homemade recipes to reinvent. I’m happy to report I haven’t gained any weight so far, but I can’t say the same for my co-workers. I’m going to try to share a few of my favorites on the blog for you to try when you’re in the mood!

If you come across a recipe you think I’d like, share it in the comments section. I’m always open to trying something new!

That’s about it for now. Just wanted to give you an update on what’s going on with me. How has 2012 been for you so far? Anything worth sharing?

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